There’s no denying that pasta is a crowd-pleaser all over the world. It’s filling, hearty, and extremely versatile. It can be made meaty, vegetarian, and even vegan, meaning there is always an option for everyone to enjoy - but is pasta bad for gout?

According to recent figures, the average household in the UK purchases around 86g per person per week, or just over a recommended serving! And who can blame them; pasta has become a staple meal for families and couples alike thanks to its ease of cooking and range of options.

But it can be easy to forget that pasta isn’t necessarily the healthiest product in the world - at least on its own.

The nutritional value of pasta

Pasta is made from durum wheat and can come in white and wholemeal varieties, as well as colourful options that are traditionally infused with vegetable powders such as spinach and beetroot. It is a carbohydrate that can provide valuable energy; however, in its refined state (white pasta), its nutritional value is lower than in its wholemeal form.

In fact, wholemeal pasta contains almost 50% more fibre than its white counterpart. Moreover, eating too many refined carbohydrates has been associated with an increased risk of several health conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
Nonetheless, pasta can make up part of a healthy, balanced diet when eaten in moderation. Of course, wholemeal varieties are a better option due to their additional nutritional value.

But could pasta play any role in your gout flare-ups?

Is pasta bad for gout?

Gout is caused by increased levels of uric acid in the blood. Over time, this leads to the formation of uric acid crystals in the joints - particularly the joints in the feet. That’s because the feet are the furthest boy part from the heart, and as uric acid begins to crystallise at cooler temperatures, the feet - especially the big toes - are the most likely target for gout.

A number of foods have been found to contribute to elevated uric acid levels, including foods that contain high levels of purines. While purines are natural compounds that are present in essentially all foods, some foods, such as red meat and organ meat, contain more significant levels than others.

The good news is, pasta is relatively low in these gout-causing compounds. However, refined carbohydrates such as white pasta can cause a significant rise in blood sugar and increase your risk of experiencing health problems such as metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Furthermore, some evidence suggests that refined carbohydrates may increase blood uric acid levels.

Replacing refined carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates has been found to reduce uric acid. When it comes to pasta, this means that switching out white pasta for wholemeal varieties could be a smart move if you have gout.


When eaten in moderation, pasta makes up an important part of most people’s diet. It provides valuable fibre and carbohydrates to give us energy. However, it is important not to consume pasta in excess as too much can be linked to obesity and other health problems - particularly in the case of white pasta varieties.

For individuals with gout, pasta can contribute to a healthy and gout-friendly diet. However, opting for wholemeal pasta varieties is recommended. Combining a gout-friendly diet with other management methods, such as taking regular supplements and staying adequately hydrated can help to reduce your risk of experiencing painful gout symptoms.

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