When you’re in the throes of a gout attack, it can often seem like nothing helps to relieve the intense pain associated with the condition. Over-the-counter painkillers can seem unable to touch the pain, while it’s often too late for precautionary measures such as staying hydrated and taking supplements to have an immediate effect. So, the only thing to do is avoid movement and wait for the flare-up to pass.

But is it best to leave the affected limb in a regular position - or should you consider elevating it? In other words, does elevating the affected joint help to relieve gout? Let’s find out.

Why is Gout So Painful?

Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that can affect joints all over the body, though it is most common in the feet and particularly the big toes. It occurs when too much uric acid builds up in the blood. Over time, this causes the formation of tiny sharp crystals in the joints, predominantly in the big toe.

These sharp uric acid crystals cause pain and inflammation in the affected joints that can make it difficult to go about your normal routine. For example, you may find it difficult to walk or even wear shoes or socks. For many, this debilitation can cause major disruption to their personal and work lives and can even have a significant impact on the individual's mood, mental health, and relationships.

Understandably, then, people who suffer from gout are always on the lookout for effective management techniques. As mentioned earlier, this commonly includes taking supplements, staying hydrated, and staying away from certain foods. But what about when you’re in the middle of a gout attack?

Managing a Gout Attack: Should I Elevate My Feet?

If you have ever injured your leg or feet, you will likely recall being advised to elevate your leg as much as possible during your recovery. For example, when you suffer from a sprained ankle, the primary advice is to refrain from any activities that put weight on the affected joint, apply ice, and keep the foot raised on a pillow.

But why does this help? Well, there are a few reasons that elevating your ankles can help with your recovery.

Improves Circulation and Reduces Swelling

Elevating your ankle may help to reduce swelling in the area which - while often a crucial part of the body’s inflammatory response - can be associated with additional pain. Raising your foot above the level of your heart may help to reduce the amount of swelling.

Keeping your feet elevated will help to improve circulation in your feet, ankles, and toes. This helps to ensure that blood and other fluids don’t accumulate in the feet

Prevents Application of Weight

A more straightforward answer to why elevating your feet can help with injuries in the area is that it simply provides comfort and helps to ensure you are not putting any weight on the joint. Keeping your leg elevated can also keep it out of the way from accidental knocks from those around you!

What else can I do to relieve gout?

It is also worth noting that elevating your foot can be used alongside other management techniques to encourage a faster and smoother resolution of symptoms. For example, applying an ice pack to the area can help to soothe the associated pain.


Gout flare-ups can be incredibly painful and debilitating. While it can be frustrating to not be able to go about your normal routine, it’s important to rest as much as possible during this time. Thankfully, elevating the affected joint can help to provide some much-needed relief.

Continue to take your painkillers and gout supplements as advised, follow your gout-friendly diet, and try your best to take your flare-up as an opportunity to catch up on the latest binge-able series or read the latest book!

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