Chocolate and Gout – What Sufferers and Chocolate Addicts Need to Know

Chocolate and Gout – What Sufferers and Chocolate Addicts Need to Know

Chocolate and gout is it a bad combination? This is a question that every chocolate addict will worry about if they have suffered from gout in the past. Gout – A Brief Introduction There are a few different causes of gout, from purine high foods, alcohol and certain medical conditions, each with different triggers specific to each individual. For many sufferers of gout the way in which they can easily make an instant impact is to watch their diet, keeping away from foods that are high in purine content. With chocolate being an, often, addictive food that most of us...

Oct 14, 2016

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Tomatoes and Gout – Can Tomatoes Cause Gout?

Tomatoes and Gout – Can Tomatoes Cause Gout?

Tomatoes and gout are not the best of bedfellows. In this article we will examine the relationship between tomatoes and gout and how best to use the fruit as part of your diet if you are worried about gout and high uric acid levels. There has been some debate over the years as to whether tomatoes trigger gout, here we’ll aim to cut through both sides of the debate and put together as definitive an answer as we can for you. Argument 1: Tomatoes Don’t Cause Gout One of the biggest arguments against the humble tomato and gout, and its...

Oct 07, 2016

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Gout and Cheese – Is Cheese Good For Gout?

Gout and Cheese – Is Cheese Good For Gout?

In this article we will be discussing gout and cheese. We will look at whether the two go together, or if you should avoid cheese if you are prone to excess uric acid and gout flare ups. Lowering Gout Risk with Dairy So on the face of it you wouldn’t have thought that gout and cheese would go together well, this is often due to the historical concept of gout being an illness of over-indulgence and cheese being viewed as a treat for many people. However, the reverse might actually be true, with dairy products such as cheese, milks and...

Sep 30, 2016

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Purines in Beer - Will Beer Cause Gout?

Purines in Beer - Will Beer Cause Gout?

If you suffer with gout and like to have an alcoholic drink from time to time it is vitally important that you are aware of the levels of purines in beer, and how this could have an impact on you if you don’t keep an eye on your intake. For those who like an alcoholic beverage and either suffer from gout or have been warned to keep an eye on their uric acid levels by a medical professional, a plan of action for your drinking habits is often a wise choice. Alcohol and Gout The link between alcohol and the...

Sep 22, 2016

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Uric Acid Tester – Uric Acid Home Test Reviews

Uric Acid Tester – Uric Acid Home Test Reviews

When there are high levels of uric acid present in your blood, this can often mean that you are at a higher risk of suffering from gout. You can detect the level of uric acid in your blood at home, without the need for a visit to your GP, utilising a home uric acid tester that takes a reading based on your blood. In this guide we will aim to provide you with a run down of some of the more popular uric home testing kits and monitors on the market today, assisting you in choosing the right kit for...

Aug 30, 2016

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